Source code for linkcheck.logger.customxml

# Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
An XML logger.
from . import xmllog
from .. import strformat

[docs] class CustomXMLLogger(xmllog._XMLLogger): """ XML custom output for easy post-processing. """ LoggerName = "xml" LoggerArgs = { "filename": "linkchecker-out.xml", }
[docs] def start_output(self): """ Write start of checking info as xml comment. """ super().start_output() self.xml_start_output() attrs = {"created": strformat.strtime(self.starttime)} self.xml_starttag('linkchecker', attrs) self.flush()
[docs] def log_url(self, url_data): """ Log URL data in custom XML format. """ self.xml_starttag('urldata') if self.has_part('url'): self.xml_tag("url", url_data.base_url) if and self.has_part('name'): self.xml_tag("name", if url_data.parent_url and self.has_part('parenturl'): attrs = { 'line': "%s" % url_data.line, 'column': "%s" % url_data.column, } self.xml_tag("parent", url_data.parent_url, attrs=attrs) if url_data.base_ref and self.has_part('base'): self.xml_tag("baseref", url_data.base_ref) if self.has_part("realurl"): self.xml_tag("realurl", url_data.url) if self.has_part("extern"): self.xml_tag("extern", "%d" % (1 if url_data.extern else 0)) if url_data.dltime >= 0 and self.has_part("dltime"): self.xml_tag("dltime", "%f" % url_data.dltime) if url_data.size >= 0 and self.has_part("dlsize"): self.xml_tag("dlsize", "%d" % url_data.size) if url_data.checktime and self.has_part("checktime"): self.xml_tag("checktime", "%f" % url_data.checktime) if self.has_part("level"): self.xml_tag("level", "%d" % url_data.level) if and self.has_part('info'): self.xml_starttag("infos") for info in self.xml_tag("info", info) self.xml_endtag("infos") if url_data.modified and self.has_part('modified'): self.xml_tag("modified", self.format_modified(url_data.modified)) if url_data.warnings and self.has_part('warning'): self.xml_starttag("warnings") for tag, data in url_data.warnings: attrs = {} if tag: attrs["tag"] = tag self.xml_tag("warning", data, attrs) self.xml_endtag("warnings") if self.has_part("result"): attrs = {} if url_data.result: attrs["result"] = url_data.result self.xml_tag("valid", "%d" % (1 if url_data.valid else 0), attrs) self.xml_endtag('urldata') self.flush()
[docs] def end_output(self, **kwargs): """ Write XML end tag. """ self.xml_endtag("linkchecker") self.xml_end_output() self.close_fileoutput()