Source code for linkcheck.logger

# Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Output logging support for different formats.

import sys
import os
import datetime
import time
import codecs
import abc

from .. import log, LOG_CHECK, strformat, dummy, configuration, i18n

_ = lambda x: x  # noqa: E731
Fields = dict(
    realurl=_("Real URL"),
    cachekey=_("Cache key"),
    parenturl=_("Parent URL"),
    dltime=_("D/L time"),
    checktime=_("Check time"),
del _

ContentTypes = dict(image=0, text=0, video=0, audio=0, application=0, mail=0, other=0)

[docs] class LogStatistics: """Gather log statistics: - number of errors, warnings and valid links - type of contents (image, video, audio, text, ...) - URL lengths """ def __init__(self): """Initialize log statistics.""" self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset all log statistics to default values.""" # number of logged URLs self.number = 0 # number of encountered URL errors self.errors = 0 # number of URL errors that were printed self.errors_printed = 0 # number of URL warnings self.warnings = 0 # number of URL warnings that were printed self.warnings_printed = 0 # number of internal errors self.internal_errors = 0 # link types self.link_types = ContentTypes.copy() # URL length statistics self.max_url_length = 0 self.min_url_length = 0 self.avg_url_length = 0.0 self.avg_number = 0 # overall downloaded bytes self.downloaded_bytes = None
[docs] def log_url(self, url_data, do_print): """Log URL statistics.""" self.number += 1 if not url_data.valid: self.errors += 1 if do_print: self.errors_printed += 1 num_warnings = len(url_data.warnings) self.warnings += num_warnings if do_print: self.warnings_printed += num_warnings if url_data.content_type: key = url_data.content_type.split('/', 1)[0].lower() if key not in self.link_types: key = "other" elif url_data.url.startswith("mailto:"): key = "mail" else: key = "other" self.link_types[key] += 1 if url_data.url: n = len(url_data.url) self.max_url_length = max(n, self.max_url_length) if self.min_url_length == 0: self.min_url_length = n else: self.min_url_length = min(n, self.min_url_length) # track average number separately since empty URLs do not count self.avg_number += 1 # calculate running average self.avg_url_length += (n - self.avg_url_length) / self.avg_number
[docs] def log_internal_error(self): """Increase internal error count.""" self.internal_errors += 1
class _Logger(abc.ABC): """ Base class for logging of checked urls. It defines the public API (see below) and offers basic functionality for all loggers. Each logger offers the following functions: * start_output() Initialize and start log output. Most loggers print a comment with copyright information. * end_output(**kwargs) Finish log output, possibly flushing buffers. Most loggers also print some statistics. Custom keyword arguments can be given for different loggers. * log_filter_url(url_data, do_print) Log a checked URL. The url_data object is a transport form of the UrlData class. The do_print flag indicates if this URL should be logged or just used to update internal statistics. Each subclassed logger must implement the following functions: * start_output() Also call the base class implementation of this. * end_output(**kwargs) See above. * log_url(url_data) Log a checked URL. Called by log_filter_url if do_print is True. """ # A lowercase name for this logger, usable for option values LoggerName = None # Default log configuration LoggerArgs = {} def __init__(self, **args): """ Initialize a logger, looking for part restrictions in kwargs. """ if 'parts' in args and "all" not in args['parts']: # only log given parts self.logparts = args['parts'] else: # log all parts self.logparts = None # number of spaces before log parts for alignment self.logspaces = {} # maximum indent of spaces for alignment self.max_indent = 0 # log statistics self.stats = LogStatistics() # encoding of output encoding = args.get("encoding", i18n.default_encoding) try: encoding = codecs.lookup(encoding).name except LookupError: encoding = i18n.default_encoding self.output_encoding = encoding # how to handle codec errors self.codec_errors = "replace" # Flag to see if logger is active. Can be deactivated on errors. self.is_active = True def get_args(self, kwargs): """Construct log configuration from default and user args.""" args = dict(self.LoggerArgs) args.update(kwargs) return args def get_charset_encoding(self): """Translate the output encoding to a charset encoding name.""" if self.output_encoding == "utf-8-sig": return "utf-8" return self.output_encoding def encode(self, s): """Encode string with output encoding.""" assert isinstance(s, str) return s.encode(self.output_encoding, self.codec_errors) def init_fileoutput(self, args): """ Initialize self.fd file descriptor from args. For file output (used when the fileoutput arg is given), the self.fd initialization is deferred until the first self.write() call. This avoids creation of an empty file when no output is written. """ self.filename = None self.close_fd = False self.fd = None if args.get('fileoutput'): self.filename = os.path.expanduser(args['filename']) elif 'fd' in args: self.fd = args['fd'] else: self.fd = self.create_fd() def start_fileoutput(self): """Start output to configured file.""" path = os.path.dirname(self.filename) try: if path and not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) self.fd = self.create_fd() self.close_fd = True except OSError: msg = sys.exc_info()[1] log.warn( LOG_CHECK, "Could not open file %r for writing: %s\n" "Disabling log output of %s", self.filename, msg, self, ) self.fd = dummy.Dummy() self.is_active = False self.filename = None def create_fd(self): """Create open file descriptor.""" if self.filename is None: return i18n.get_encoded_writer( encoding=self.output_encoding, errors=self.codec_errors ) return, "wb", self.output_encoding, self.codec_errors) def close_fileoutput(self): """ Flush and close the file output denoted by self.fd. """ if self.fd is not None: try: self.flush() except OSError: # ignore flush errors pass if self.close_fd: try: self.fd.close() except OSError: # ignore close errors pass self.fd = None def check_date(self): """ Check for special dates. """ now = if == 7 and now.month == 1: msg = _("Happy birthday for LinkChecker, I'm %d years old today!") self.comment(msg % (now.year - 2000)) def comment(self, s, **args): """ Write a comment and a newline. This method just prints the given string. """ self.writeln(s=s, **args) def wrap(self, lines, width): """ Return wrapped version of given lines. """ sep = os.linesep + os.linesep text = sep.join(lines) kwargs = dict( subsequent_indent=" " * self.max_indent, initial_indent=" " * self.max_indent, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, ) return strformat.wrap(text, width, **kwargs).lstrip() def write(self, s, **args): """Write string to output descriptor. Strips control characters from string before writing. """ if self.filename is not None: self.start_fileoutput() if self.fd is None: # Happens when aborting threads times out log.warn(LOG_CHECK, "writing to uninitialized or closed file") else: try: self.fd.write(s, **args) except OSError: msg = sys.exc_info()[1] log.warn( LOG_CHECK, "Could not write to output file: %s\n" "Disabling log output of %s", msg, self, ) self.close_fileoutput() self.fd = dummy.Dummy() self.is_active = False def writeln(self, s="", **args): """ Write string to output descriptor plus a newline. """ self.write(f"{s}{os.linesep}", **args) def has_part(self, name): """ See if given part name will be logged. """ if self.logparts is None: # log all parts return True return name in self.logparts def part(self, name): """ Return translated part name. """ return _(Fields.get(name, "")) def spaces(self, name): """ Return indent of spaces for given part name. """ return self.logspaces[name] def start_output(self): """ Start log output. """ # map with spaces between part name and value if self.logparts is None: parts = Fields.keys() else: parts = self.logparts values = (self.part(x) for x in parts) # maximum indent for localized log part names self.max_indent = max(len(x) for x in values) + 1 for key in parts: numspaces = self.max_indent - len(self.part(key)) self.logspaces[key] = " " * numspaces self.stats.reset() self.starttime = time.time() def log_filter_url(self, url_data, do_print): """ Log a new url with this logger if do_print is True. Else only update accounting data. """ self.stats.log_url(url_data, do_print) if do_print: self.log_url(url_data) def write_intro(self): """Write intro comments.""" self.comment( _("created by %(app)s at %(time)s") % {"app": configuration.AppName, "time": strformat.strtime(self.starttime)} ) self.comment( _("Read the documentation at %(url)s") % {'url': configuration.Url} ) self.comment( _("Write comments and bugs to %(url)s") % {'url': configuration.SupportUrl} ) self.check_date() def write_outro(self): """Write outro comments.""" self.stoptime = time.time() duration = self.stoptime - self.starttime self.comment( _("Stopped checking at %(time)s (%(duration)s)") % { "time": strformat.strtime(self.stoptime), "duration": strformat.strduration_long(duration), } ) @abc.abstractmethod def log_url(self, url_data): """ Log a new url with this logger. """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def end_output(self, **kwargs): """ End of output, used for cleanup (eg output buffer flushing). """ pass def __str__(self): """ Return class name. """ return self.__class__.__name__ def __repr__(self): """ Return class name. """ return repr(self.__class__.__name__) def flush(self): """ If the logger has internal buffers, flush them. Ignore flush I/O errors since we are not responsible for proper flushing of log output streams. """ if hasattr(self, "fd"): try: self.fd.flush() except (OSError, AttributeError): pass def log_internal_error(self): """Indicate that an internal error occurred in the program.""" log.warn(LOG_CHECK, "internal error occurred") self.stats.log_internal_error() def format_modified(self, modified, sep=" "): """Format modification date in UTC if it's not None. @param modified: modification date in UTC @type modified: datetime or None @return: formatted date or empty string @rtype: unicode """ if modified is not None: return modified.strftime(f"%Y-%m-%d{sep}%H:%M:%S.%fZ") return "" def _get_loggers(): """Return list of Logger classes.""" from .. import loader modules = loader.get_package_modules('logger', __path__) return list(loader.get_plugins(modules, [_Logger])) LoggerClasses = _get_loggers() LoggerNames = [x.LoggerName for x in LoggerClasses] LoggerKeys = ", ".join(repr(x) for x in LoggerNames)