Source code for linkcheck.ftpparse

# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Python implementation of a part of Dan Bernstein's ftpparse library.

See also

months = (

[docs] def ismonth(txt): """Check if given text is a month name.""" return txt.lower() in months
[docs] def ftpparse(line): """Parse a FTP list line into a dictionary with attributes: name - name of file (string) trycwd - False if cwd is definitely pointless, True otherwise tryretr - False if retr is definitely pointless, True otherwise If the line has no file information, None is returned """ if len(line) < 2: # an empty name in EPLF, with no info, could be 2 chars return None info = dict(name=None, trycwd=False, tryretr=False) # EPLF format # # "+i8388621.29609,m824255902,/,\tdev" # "+i8388621.44468,m839956783,r,s10376,\tRFCEPLF" if line[0] == '+': if '\t' in line: flags, name = line.split('\t', 1) info['name'] = name flags = flags.split(',') info['trycwd'] = '/' in flags info['tryretr'] = 'r' in flags return info # UNIX-style listing, without inum and without blocks # "-rw-r--r-- 1 root other 531 Jan 29 03:26 README" # "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root other 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" # "dr-xr-xr-x 2 root 512 Apr 8 1994 etc" # "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 7 Jan 25 00:17 bin -> usr/bin" # Also produced by Microsoft's FTP servers for Windows: # "---------- 1 owner group 1803128 Jul 10 10:18 ls-lR.Z" # "d--------- 1 owner group 0 May 9 19:45 Softlib" # Also WFTPD for MS-DOS: # "-rwxrwxrwx 1 noone nogroup 322 Aug 19 1996 message.ftp" # Also NetWare: # "d [R----F--] supervisor 512 Jan 16 18:53 login" # "- [R----F--] rhesus 214059 Oct 20 15:27 cx.exe" # Also NetPresenz for the Mac: # "-------r-- 326 1391972 1392298 Nov 22 1995 MegaPhone.sit" # "drwxrwxr-x folder 2 May 10 1996 network" if line[0] in 'bcdlps-': if line[0] == 'd': info['trycwd'] = True if line[0] == '-': info['tryretr'] = True if line[0] == 'l': info['trycwd'] = info['tryretr'] = True parts = line.split() if len(parts) < 7: return None del parts[0] # skip permissions if parts[0] != 'folder': del parts[0] # skip nlink del parts[0] # skip uid del parts[0] # skip gid or size if not ismonth(parts[0]): del parts[0] # skip size if not ismonth(parts[0]): return None del parts[0] # skip month del parts[0] # skip day if not parts: return None del parts[0] # skip year or time name = " ".join(parts) # resolve links if line[0] == 'l' and ' -> ' in name: name = name.split(' -> ', 1)[1] # eliminate extra NetWare spaces if line[1] in ' [' and name.startswith(' '): name = name[3:] info["name"] = name return info # MultiNet (some spaces removed from examples) # "00README.TXT;1 2 30-DEC-1996 17:44 [SYSTEM] (RWED,RWED,RE,RE)" # "CORE.DIR;1 1 8-SEP-1996 16:09 [SYSTEM] (RWE,RWE,RE,RE)" # and non-MutliNet VMS: # "CII-MANUAL.TEX;1 213/216 29-JAN-1996 03:33:12 [ANONYMOU,ANONYMOUS] (RWED,RWED,,)" i = line.find(';') if i != -1: name = line[:i] if name.endswith(".DIR"): name = name[:-4] info["trycwd"] = True else: info["tryretr"] = True info["name"] = name return info # MS-DOS format # 04-27-00 09:09PM <DIR> licensed # 07-18-00 10:16AM <DIR> pub # 04-14-00 03:47PM 589 readme.htm if line[0].isdigit(): parts = line.split() if len(parts) != 4: return None info['name'] = parts[3] if parts[2][0] == '<': info['trycwd'] = True else: info['tryretr'] = True return info # Some useless lines, safely ignored: # "Total of 11 Files, 10966 Blocks." (VMS) # "total 14786" (UNIX) # "DISK$ANONFTP:[ANONYMOUS]" (VMS) # "Directory DISK$PCSA:[ANONYM]" (VMS) return None