Source code for linkcheck.decorators

# Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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Simple decorators (usable in Python >= 2.4).


    def f():
        "Synchronized function"
        print("i am synchronized:", f, f.__doc__)

    def g():
        "this function is deprecated"

    def h():

import warnings
import signal
import os
import sys
import time

[docs] def update_func_meta(fake_func, real_func): """Set meta information (eg. __doc__) of fake function to that of the real function. @return fake_func """ fake_func.__module__ = real_func.__module__ fake_func.__name__ = real_func.__name__ fake_func.__doc__ = real_func.__doc__ fake_func.__dict__.update(real_func.__dict__) return fake_func
[docs] def deprecated(func): """A decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It emits a warning when the function is called.""" def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): """Print deprecated warning and execute original function.""" warnings.warn( "Call to deprecated function %s." % func.__name__, category=DeprecationWarning, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return update_func_meta(newfunc, func)
[docs] def signal_handler(signal_number): """From A decorator to set the specified function as handler for a signal. This function is the 'outer' decorator, called with only the (non-function) arguments. If signal_number is not a valid signal (for example signal.SIGN), no handler is set. """ # create the 'real' decorator which takes only a function as an argument def newfunc(function): """Register function as signal handler.""" # note: actually the kill(2) function uses the signal number of 0 # for a special case, but for signal(2) only positive integers # are allowed is_valid_signal = 0 < signal_number < signal.NSIG if is_valid_signal and == 'posix': signal.signal(signal_number, function) return function return newfunc
[docs] def synchronize(lock, func, log_duration_secs=0): """Return synchronized function acquiring the given lock.""" def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): """Execute function synchronized.""" t = time.time() with lock: duration = time.time() - t if duration > log_duration_secs > 0: print( "WARN:", func.__name__, "locking took %0.2f seconds" % duration, file=sys.stderr, ) return func(*args, **kwargs) return update_func_meta(newfunc, func)
[docs] def synchronized(lock): """A decorator calling a function with acquired lock.""" return lambda func: synchronize(lock, func)
[docs] def notimplemented(func): """Raises a NotImplementedError if the function is called.""" def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): """Raise NotImplementedError""" co = func.func_code attrs = (co.co_name, co.co_filename, co.co_firstlineno) raise NotImplementedError("function %s at %s:%d is not implemented" % attrs) return update_func_meta(newfunc, func)
[docs] def timeit(func, log, limit): """Print execution time of the function. For quick'n'dirty profiling.""" def newfunc(*args, **kwargs): """Execute function and print execution time.""" t = time.time() res = func(*args, **kwargs) duration = time.time() - t if duration > limit: print(func.__name__, "took %0.2f seconds" % duration, file=log) print(args, file=log) print(kwargs, file=log) return res return update_func_meta(newfunc, func)
[docs] def timed(log=sys.stderr, limit=2.0): """Decorator to run a function with timing info.""" return lambda func: timeit(func, log, limit)
[docs] class curried: """Decorator that returns a function that keeps returning functions until all arguments are supplied; then the original function is evaluated.""" def __init__(self, func, *a): """Store function and arguments.""" self.func = func self.args = a def __call__(self, *a): """If all arguments function arguments are supplied, call it. Else return another curried object.""" args = self.args + a if len(args) < self.func.func_code.co_argcount: return curried(self.func, *args) else: return self.func(*args)