Source code for linkcheck.configuration

# Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Store metadata and options.

import importlib.resources
import os
import re
import urllib.parse
import shutil
import socket

from .. import log, LOG_CHECK, PACKAGE_NAME, fileutil
from . import confparse

    from .. import _release
except ImportError:
    raise SystemExit('Run "hatchling build --hooks-only" first')

Version = _release.__version__
ReleaseDate = _release.__release_date__
CopyrightYear = _release.__copyright_year__
AppName = _release.__app_name__
App = AppName + " " + Version
Author = _release.__author__
HtmlAuthor = Author.replace(' ', ' ')
Copyright = f"Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Bastian Kleineidam, 2010-{CopyrightYear} {Author}"
HtmlCopyright = (
    "Copyright © 2000-2016 Bastian Kleineidam, "
    f"2010-{CopyrightYear} {HtmlAuthor}")
HtmlAppInfo = App + ", " + HtmlCopyright
Url = _release.__url__
SupportUrl = _release.__support_url__
UserAgent = f"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; {AppName}/{Version}; +{Url})"
Freeware = (
    + """ comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY!
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Look at the file `COPYING' within this distribution."""

[docs] def normpath(path): """Norm given system path with all available norm or expand functions in os.path.""" expanded = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path)) return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(expanded))
# List Python modules in the form (module, name, version attribute) Modules = ( # required modules ("bs4", "Beautiful Soup", "__version__"), ("dns.version", "dnspython", "version"), ("requests", "Requests", "__version__"), # optional modules ("argcomplete", "Argcomplete", None), ("GeoIP", "GeoIP", 'lib_version'), # on Unix systems ("pygeoip", "GeoIP", 'lib_version'), # on Windows systems ("sqlite3", "SQLite", 'sqlite_version'), ("meliae", "Meliae", '__version__'), )
[docs] def get_modules_info(): """Return unicode string with detected module info.""" module_infos = [] for (mod, name, version_attr) in Modules: try: module = importlib.import_module(mod) except ModuleNotFoundError: continue if version_attr and (attr := getattr(module, version_attr, None)): version = attr() if callable(attr) else attr module_infos.append(f"{name} {version}") else: # ignore attribute errors in case library developers # change the version information attribute module_infos.append(name) return "Modules: %s" % (", ".join(module_infos))
[docs] def get_system_cert_file(): """Try to find a system-wide SSL certificate file. @return: the filename to the cert file @raises: ValueError when no system cert file could be found """ if == 'posix': filename = "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename msg = "no system certificate file found" raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def get_certifi_file(): """Get the SSL certifications installed by the certifi package. @return: the filename to the cert file @rtype: string @raises: ImportError when certifi is not installed or ValueError when the file is not found """ import certifi filename = certifi.where() if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename msg = "%s not found; check your certifi installation" % filename raise ValueError(msg)
# dynamic options
[docs] class Configuration(dict): """ Storage for configuration options. Options can both be given from the command line as well as from configuration files. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize the default options. """ super().__init__() # checking options self["allowedschemes"] = [] self['cookiefile'] = None self['robotstxt'] = True self["debugmemory"] = False self["localwebroot"] = None self["maxfilesizeparse"] = 1 * 1024 * 1024 self["maxfilesizedownload"] = 5 * 1024 * 1024 self["maxnumurls"] = None self["maxrunseconds"] = None self["maxrequestspersecond"] = 10 self["maxhttpredirects"] = 10 self["sslverify"] = True self["threads"] = 10 self["timeout"] = 60 self["aborttimeout"] = 300 self["recursionlevel"] = -1 self["useragent"] = UserAgent self["resultcachesize"] = 100000 # authentication self["authentication"] = [] self["loginurl"] = None self["loginuserfield"] = "login" self["loginpasswordfield"] = "password" self["loginextrafields"] = {} # filtering self["externlinks"] = [] self["ignoreerrors"] = [] self["ignorewarnings"] = [] self["ignorewarningsforurls"] = [] self["internlinks"] = [] self["checkextern"] = False # plugins self["pluginfolders"] = get_plugin_folders() self["enabledplugins"] = [] # output self['trace'] = False self['quiet'] = False self["verbose"] = False self["warnings"] = True self["fileoutput"] = [] self['output'] = 'text' self["status"] = True self["status_wait_seconds"] = 5 self['logger'] = None self.status_logger = None self.loggers = {} from ..logger import LoggerClasses for c in LoggerClasses: key = c.LoggerName self[key] = {} self.loggers[key] = c
[docs] def set_status_logger(self, status_logger): """Set the status logger.""" self.status_logger = status_logger
[docs] def logger_new(self, loggername, **kwargs): """Instantiate new logger and return it.""" args = self[loggername] args.update(kwargs) return self.loggers[loggername](**args)
[docs] def logger_add(self, loggerclass): """Add a new logger type to the known loggers.""" self.loggers[loggerclass.LoggerName] = loggerclass self[loggerclass.LoggerName] = {}
[docs] def read(self, files=None): """ Read settings from given config files. @raises: LinkCheckerError on syntax errors in the config file(s) """ if files is None: cfiles = [] else: cfiles = files[:] if not cfiles: userconf = get_user_config() if os.path.isfile(userconf): cfiles.append(userconf) # filter invalid files filtered_cfiles = [] for cfile in cfiles: if not fileutil.is_valid_config_source(cfile): log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("Configuration file %r does not exist."), cfile) elif not fileutil.is_readable(cfile): log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("Configuration file %r is not readable."), cfile) else: filtered_cfiles.append(cfile) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "reading configuration from %s", filtered_cfiles) confparse.LCConfigParser(self).read(filtered_cfiles)
[docs] def add_auth(self, user=None, password=None, pattern=None): """Add given authentication data.""" if not user or not pattern: log.warn( LOG_CHECK, _("missing user or URL pattern in authentication data.") ) return entry = dict(user=user, password=password, pattern=re.compile(pattern)) self["authentication"].append(entry)
[docs] def get_user_password(self, url): """Get tuple (user, password) from configured authentication that matches the given URL. Both user and password can be None if not specified, or no authentication matches the given URL. """ for auth in self["authentication"]: if auth['pattern'].match(url): return (auth['user'], auth['password']) return (None, None)
[docs] def get_connectionlimits(self): """Get dict with limit per connection type.""" return {key: self['maxconnections%s' % key] for key in ('http', 'https', 'ftp')}
[docs] def sanitize(self): "Make sure the configuration is consistent." if self['logger'] is None: self.sanitize_logger() if self['loginurl']: self.sanitize_loginurl() self.sanitize_plugins() self.sanitize_ssl() # set default socket timeout socket.setdefaulttimeout(self['timeout'])
[docs] def sanitize_logger(self): """Make logger configuration consistent.""" if not self['output']: log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("activating text logger output.")) self['output'] = 'text' self['logger'] = self.logger_new(self['output'])
[docs] def sanitize_loginurl(self): """Make login configuration consistent.""" url = self["loginurl"] disable = False if self.get_user_password(url) == (None, None): log.warn( LOG_CHECK, _("no user/password authentication data found for login URL."), ) disable = True if not url.lower().startswith(("http:", "https:")): log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("login URL is not a HTTP URL.")) disable = True urlparts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) if not urlparts[0] or not urlparts[1] or not urlparts[2]: log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("login URL is incomplete.")) disable = True if disable: log.warn(LOG_CHECK, _("disabling login URL %(url)s.") % {"url": url}) self["loginurl"] = None
[docs] def sanitize_plugins(self): """Ensure each plugin is configurable.""" for plugin in self["enabledplugins"]: if plugin not in self: self[plugin] = {}
[docs] def sanitize_ssl(self): """Use local installed certificate file if available. Tries to get system, then certifi certificate file.""" if self["sslverify"] is True: try: self["sslverify"] = get_system_cert_file() except ValueError: try: self["sslverify"] = get_certifi_file() except (ValueError, ImportError): pass
[docs] def get_user_data(): """Get the user data folder. Returns "~/.linkchecker/" if this folder exists, "$XDG_DATA_HOME/linkchecker" if $XDG_DATA_HOME is set, else "~/.local/share/linkchecker". @rtype string """ homedotdir = normpath("~/.linkchecker/") userdata = ( homedotdir if os.path.isdir(homedotdir) else os.path.join( os.environ.get("XDG_DATA_HOME") or os.path.expanduser( os.path.join("~", ".local", "share")), "linkchecker") ) return userdata
[docs] def get_plugin_folders(): """Get linkchecker plugin folders. Default is "$XDG_DATA_HOME/linkchecker/plugins/" if $XDG_DATA_HOME is set, else "~/.local/share/linkchecker/plugins/". "~/.linkchecker/plugins/" is also supported for backwards compatibility, and is used if it exists.""" folders = [] defaultfolder = os.path.join(get_user_data(), "plugins") if not os.path.exists(defaultfolder): try: make_userdir(defaultfolder) except Exception as errmsg: msg = _("could not create plugin directory %(dirname)r: %(errmsg)r") args = dict(dirname=defaultfolder, errmsg=errmsg) log.warn(LOG_CHECK, msg % args) if os.path.exists(defaultfolder): folders.append(defaultfolder) return folders
[docs] def make_userdir(child): """Create a child directory.""" userdir = os.path.dirname(child) if not os.path.isdir(userdir): if == 'nt': # Windows forbids filenames with leading dot unless # a trailing dot is added. userdir += "." os.makedirs(userdir, 0o700)
[docs] def get_user_config(): """Get the user configuration filename. If the user configuration file does not exist, copy it from the initial configuration file. Returns path to user config file (which might not exist due to copy failures). @return configuration filename @rtype string """ # per user config settings homedotfile = normpath("~/.linkchecker/linkcheckerrc") userconf = ( homedotfile if os.path.isfile(homedotfile) else os.path.join( os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") or os.path.expanduser( os.path.join("~", ".config")), "linkchecker", "linkcheckerrc") ) if not os.path.exists(userconf): # initial config (with all options explained) with importlib.resources.path( f"{PACKAGE_NAME}.data", "linkcheckerrc") as initialconf: # copy the initial configuration to the user configuration try: make_userdir(userconf) shutil.copy(initialconf, userconf) except Exception as errmsg: msg = _( "could not copy initial configuration file %(src)r" " to %(dst)r: %(errmsg)r" ) args = dict(src=initialconf, dst=userconf, errmsg=errmsg) log.warn(LOG_CHECK, msg % args) return userconf
[docs] def split_hosts(value): """Split comma-separated host list.""" return [host for host in value.split(", ") if host]