Source code for linkcheck.checker.urlbase

# Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Base URL handler.
# pylint: disable=assignment-from-none, catching-non-exception, no-member

import sys
import os
import urllib.parse
from urllib.request import urlopen
import time
import errno
import socket
from io import BytesIO

from . import absolute_url, get_url_from
from .. import (
    url as urlutil,
from ..htmlutil import htmlsoup
from import iputil
from .const import (
from ..url import url_fix_wayback_query

# schemes that are invalid with an empty hostname
scheme_requires_host = ("ftp", "http")

[docs] def urljoin(parent, url): """ If url is relative, join parent and url. Else leave url as-is. @return: joined url """ if urlutil.url_is_absolute(url): return url return urllib.parse.urljoin(parent, url)
[docs] def url_norm(url, encoding): """Wrapper for url.url_norm() to convert UnicodeError in LinkCheckerError.""" try: return urlutil.url_norm(url, encoding=encoding) except UnicodeError: msg = _("URL has unparsable domain name: %(name)s") % { "name": sys.exc_info()[1] } raise LinkCheckerError(msg)
[docs] class UrlBase: """An URL with additional information like validity etc.""" # file types that can be parsed recursively ContentMimetypes = { "text/html": "html", "application/xhtml+xml": "html", # Include PHP file which helps when checking local .php files. # It does not harm other URL schemes like HTTP since HTTP servers # should not send this content type. They send text/html instead. "application/x-httpd-php": "html", "text/css": "css", "application/": "swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash": "swf", "application/msword": "word", "text/plain+linkchecker": "text", "text/plain+opera": "opera", "text/plain+chromium": "chromium", "application/x-plist+safari": "safari", "text/vnd.wap.wml": "wml", "application/xml+sitemap": "sitemap", "application/xml+sitemapindex": "sitemapindex", "application/pdf": "pdf", "application/x-pdf": "pdf", } # Read in 16kb chunks ReadChunkBytes = 1024 * 16 def __init__( self, base_url, recursion_level, aggregate, parent_url=None, base_ref=None, line=-1, column=-1, page=-1, name="", url_encoding=None, extern=None, ): """ Initialize check data, and store given variables. @param base_url: unquoted and possibly unnormed url @param recursion_level: on what check level lies the base url @param aggregate: aggregate instance @param parent_url: quoted and normed url of parent or None @param base_ref: quoted and normed url of <base href=""> or None @param line: line number of url in parent content @param column: column number of url in parent content @param page: page number of url in parent content @param name: name of url or empty @param url_encoding: encoding of URL or None @param extern: None or (is_extern, is_strict) """ self.reset() self.init( base_ref, base_url, parent_url, recursion_level, aggregate, line, column, page, name, url_encoding, extern, ) self.check_syntax() if recursion_level == 0: self.add_intern_pattern() self.set_extern(self.url) if self.extern[0] and self.extern[1]: self.add_info( _("The URL is outside of the domain filter, checked only syntax.") ) if not self.has_result: self.set_result(_("filtered"))
[docs] def init( self, base_ref, base_url, parent_url, recursion_level, aggregate, line, column, page, name, url_encoding, extern, ): """ Initialize internal data. """ self.base_ref = base_ref if self.base_ref is not None: assert isinstance(self.base_ref, str), repr(self.base_ref) self.base_url = base_url.strip() if base_url else base_url if self.base_url is not None: assert isinstance(self.base_url, str), repr(self.base_url) self.parent_url = parent_url if self.parent_url is not None: assert isinstance(self.parent_url, str), repr(self.parent_url) self.recursion_level = recursion_level self.aggregate = aggregate self.line = line self.column = column = page = name assert isinstance(, str), repr( self.encoding = url_encoding self.extern = extern if self.base_ref: assert not urlutil.url_needs_quoting(self.base_ref), ( "unquoted base reference URL %r" % self.base_ref ) if self.parent_url: assert not urlutil.url_needs_quoting(self.parent_url), ( "unquoted parent URL %r" % self.parent_url ) url = absolute_url(self.base_url, base_ref, parent_url) # assume file link if no scheme is found self.scheme = url.split(":", 1)[0].lower() or "file" if self.base_url != base_url: self.add_warning( _("Leading or trailing whitespace in URL `%(url)s'.") % {"url": base_url}, tag=WARN_URL_WHITESPACE, ) self.ignore_errors = self.aggregate.config['ignoreerrors']
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset all variables to default values. """ # self.url is constructed by self.build_url() out of base_url # and (base_ref or parent) as absolute and normed url. # This the real url we use when checking so it also referred to # as 'real url' self.url = None # a split version of url for convenience self.urlparts = None # the scheme, host, port and anchor part of url self.scheme = = self.port = self.anchor = None # the result message string and flag self.result = "" self.has_result = False # valid or not self.valid = True # list of warnings (without duplicates) self.warnings = [] # list of infos = [] # content size self.size = -1 # last modification time of content in HTTP-date format # as specified in RFC2616 chapter 3.3.1 self.modified = None # download time self.dltime = -1 # check time self.checktime = 0 # connection object self.url_connection = None # data of url content, (data == None) means no data is available = None # url content data encoding self.content_encoding = None # url content as a Unicode string self.text = None # url content as a Beautiful Soup object self.soup = None # cache url is set by build_url() calling set_cache_url() self.cache_url = None # extern flags (is_extern, is_strict) self.extern = None # flag if the result should be cached self.caching = True # title is either the URL or parsed from content self.title = None # flag if content should be checked or not self.do_check_content = True # MIME content type self.content_type = "" # URLs seen through redirections self.aliases = [] # error messages (regular expressions) to ignore self.ignore_errors = []
[docs] def set_result(self, msg, valid=True, overwrite=False): """ Set result string and validity. """ if self.has_result and not overwrite: log.warn( LOG_CHECK, "Double result %r (previous %r) for %s", msg, self.result, self, ) else: self.has_result = True if not msg: log.warn(LOG_CHECK, "Empty result for %s", self) self.result = msg self.valid = valid if not self.valid: for url_regex, msg_regex in self.ignore_errors: if not continue if not continue self.valid = True self.result = f"Ignored: {self.result}" # free content data = None
[docs] def get_title(self): """Return title of page the URL refers to. This is per default the filename or the URL.""" if self.title is None: url = "" if self.base_url: url = self.base_url elif self.url: url = self.url self.title = url if "/" in url: title = url.rsplit("/", 1)[1] if title: self.title = title return self.title
[docs] def is_content_type_parseable(self): """ Return True iff the content type of this url is parseable. """ if self.content_type in self.ContentMimetypes: return True log.debug( LOG_CHECK, "URL with content type %r is not parseable", self.content_type, ) if self.recursion_level == 0: self.add_warning( _("The URL with content type %r is not parseable.") % self.content_type, tag=WARN_URL_CONTENT_TYPE_UNPARSEABLE, ) return False
[docs] def is_parseable(self): """ Return True iff content of this url is parseable. """ return False
[docs] def is_html(self): """Return True iff content of this url is HTML formatted.""" return self._is_ctype("html")
[docs] def is_css(self): """Return True iff content of this url is CSS stylesheet.""" return self._is_ctype("css")
def _is_ctype(self, ctype): """Return True iff content is valid and of the given type.""" if not self.valid: return False mime = self.content_type return self.ContentMimetypes.get(mime) == ctype
[docs] def is_http(self): """Return True for *http://* or *https://* URLs.""" return self.scheme in ("http", "https")
[docs] def is_file(self): """Return True for *file://* URLs.""" return self.scheme == "file"
[docs] def is_directory(self): """Return True if current URL represents a directory.""" return False
[docs] def is_local(self): """Return True for local (ie. *file://*) URLs.""" return self.is_file()
[docs] def should_ignore_warning(self, tag): """Return true if a warning should be ignored""" log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "ignorewarnings(%s): %s, %s", self.url, tag, repr(self.aggregate.config["ignorewarnings"])) if tag in self.aggregate.config["ignorewarnings"]: return True ignore_warnings = self.aggregate.config["ignorewarningsforurls"] for url_regex, name_regex in ignore_warnings: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "ignorewarningsforurl: considering '%s, %s'", url_regex, name_regex) if not continue log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "ignorewarningsforurl: URL matches '%s'", self.url) if not log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "ignorewarningsforurl: tag doesn't match '%s'", tag) continue log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "ignorewarningsforurl: tag matches '%s'", tag) return True return False
[docs] def add_warning(self, s, tag=None): """ Add a warning string. """ item = (tag, s) if item not in self.warnings: if self.should_ignore_warning(tag): self.add_info(s) else: self.warnings.append(item)
[docs] def add_info(self, s): """ Add an info string. """ if s not in
[docs] def set_cache_url(self): """Set the URL to be used for caching.""" if "AnchorCheck" in self.aggregate.config["enabledplugins"]: self.cache_url = self.url else: # remove anchor from cached target url since we assume # URLs with different anchors to have the same content self.cache_url = urlutil.urlunsplit(self.urlparts[:4] + ['']) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "cache_url '%s'", self.cache_url)
[docs] def check_syntax(self): """ Called before self.check(), this function inspects the url syntax. Success enables further checking, failure immediately logs this url. Syntax checks must not use any network resources. """ log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "checking syntax") if self.base_url is None: self.base_url = "" if not (self.base_url or self.parent_url): self.set_result(_("URL is empty"), valid=False) return try: self.build_url() self.check_url_warnings() except tuple(ExcSyntaxList) as msg: self.set_result(str(msg), valid=False) else: self.set_cache_url()
[docs] def check_url_warnings(self): """Check URL name and length.""" effectiveurl = urlutil.urlunsplit(self.urlparts) if self.url != effectiveurl: self.add_warning( _("Effective URL %(url)r.") % {"url": effectiveurl}, tag=WARN_URL_EFFECTIVE_URL, ) self.url = effectiveurl if len(self.url) > URL_MAX_LENGTH and self.scheme != "data": args = dict(len=len(self.url), max=URL_MAX_LENGTH) self.add_warning( _("URL length %(len)d is longer than %(max)d.") % args, tag=WARN_URL_TOO_LONG, )
[docs] def build_url(self): """ Construct self.url and self.urlparts out of the given base url information self.base_url, self.parent_url and self.base_ref. """ # norm base url - can raise UnicodeError from url.idna_encode() base_url, is_idn = url_norm(self.base_url, self.encoding) # make url absolute if self.base_ref: # use base reference as parent url if ":" not in self.base_ref: # some websites have a relative base reference self.base_ref = urljoin(self.parent_url, self.base_ref) self.url = urljoin(self.base_ref, base_url) elif self.parent_url: # strip the parent url anchor urlparts = list(urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.parent_url)) urlparts[4] = "" parent_url = urlutil.urlunsplit(urlparts) self.url = urljoin(parent_url, base_url) else: self.url = base_url # urljoin can unnorm the url path, so norm it again urlparts = list(urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.url)) if urlparts[2]: urlparts[2] = urlutil.collapse_segments(urlparts[2]) if not urlparts[0].startswith("feed"): # restore second / in http[s]:// in wayback path urlparts[2] = url_fix_wayback_query(urlparts[2]) self.url = urlutil.urlunsplit(urlparts) self.urlparts = self.build_url_parts(self.url) # and unsplit again self.url = urlutil.urlunsplit(self.urlparts)
[docs] def build_url_parts(self, url): """Set userinfo, host, port and anchor from url and return urlparts. Also checks for obfuscated IP addresses. """ split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) urlparts = list(split) # check userinfo@host:port syntax self.userinfo, host = urlutil.split_netloc(split.netloc) try: port = split.port except ValueError: raise LinkCheckerError( _("URL host %(host)r has invalid port") % {"host": host} ) if port is None: port = urlutil.default_ports.get(self.scheme, 0) if port is None: raise LinkCheckerError( _("URL host %(host)r has invalid port") % {"host": host} ) self.port = port # urllib.parse.SplitResult.hostname is lowercase = split.hostname if self.scheme in scheme_requires_host: if not raise LinkCheckerError(_("URL has empty hostname")) self.check_obfuscated_ip() if not self.port or self.port == urlutil.default_ports.get(self.scheme): host = else: host = f"{}:{self.port}" if self.userinfo: urlparts[1] = f"{self.userinfo}@{host}" else: urlparts[1] = host # save anchor for later checking self.anchor = split.fragment if self.anchor is not None: assert isinstance(self.anchor, str), repr(self.anchor) return urlparts
[docs] def check_obfuscated_ip(self): """Warn if host of this URL is obfuscated IP address.""" # check if can be an IP address # check for obfuscated IP address if iputil.is_obfuscated_ip( ips = iputil.resolve_host( if ips: = ips[0] self.add_warning( _("URL %(url)s has obfuscated IP address %(ip)s") % {"url": self.base_url, "ip": ips[0]}, tag=WARN_URL_OBFUSCATED_IP, )
[docs] def check(self): """Main check function for checking this URL.""" if self.aggregate.config["trace"]: trace.trace_on() try: self.local_check() except OSError: # on Unix, ctrl-c can raise # error: (4, 'Interrupted system call') etype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] if etype == errno.EINTR: raise KeyboardInterrupt(value) else: raise
[docs] def local_check(self): """Local check function can be overridden in subclasses.""" log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Checking %s", self) # strict extern URLs should not be checked assert not self.extern[1], 'checking strict extern URL' # check connection log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "checking connection") try: self.check_connection() self.set_content_type() self.add_size_info() self.aggregate.plugin_manager.run_connection_plugins(self) except tuple(ExcList) as exc: value = self.handle_exception() # make nicer error msg for unknown hosts if isinstance(exc, socket.error) and exc.args[0] == -2: value = _('Hostname not found') elif isinstance(exc, UnicodeError): # idna.encode(host) failed value = _('Bad hostname %(host)r: %(msg)s') % { 'host':, 'msg': value, } self.set_result(value, valid=False)
[docs] def check_content(self): """Check content of URL. @return: True if content can be parsed, else False """ if self.do_check_content and self.valid: # check content and recursion try: if self.can_get_content(): self.aggregate.plugin_manager.run_content_plugins(self) if self.allows_recursion(): return True except tuple(ExcList): value = self.handle_exception() self.add_warning( _("could not get content: %(msg)s") % {"msg": value}, tag=WARN_URL_ERROR_GETTING_CONTENT, ) return False
[docs] def close_connection(self): """ Close an opened url connection. """ if self.url_connection is None: # no connection is open return try: self.url_connection.close() except Exception: # ignore close errors pass self.url_connection = None
[docs] def handle_exception(self): """ An exception occurred. Log it and set the cache flag. """ etype, evalue = sys.exc_info()[:2] log.debug( LOG_CHECK, "Error in %s: %s %s", self.url, etype, evalue, exception=True ) # note: etype must be the exact class, not a subclass if ( (etype in ExcNoCacheList) or (etype == socket.error and evalue.args[0] == errno.EBADF) or not evalue ): # EBADF occurs when operating on an already socket self.caching = False # format message "<exception name>: <error message>" errmsg = etype.__name__ if evalue: errmsg += f": {evalue}" # limit length to 240 return strformat.limit(errmsg, length=240)
[docs] def check_connection(self): """ The basic connection check uses urlopen to initialize a connection object. """ self.url_connection = urlopen(self.url)
[docs] def add_size_info(self): """Set size of URL content (if any).. Should be overridden in subclasses.""" maxbytes = self.aggregate.config["maxfilesizedownload"] if self.size > maxbytes: self.add_warning( _("Content size %(size)s is larger than %(maxbytes)s.") % dict( size=strformat.strsize(self.size), maxbytes=strformat.strsize(maxbytes), ), tag=WARN_URL_CONTENT_SIZE_TOO_LARGE, )
[docs] def allows_simple_recursion(self): """Check recursion level and extern status.""" rec_level = self.aggregate.config["recursionlevel"] if rec_level >= 0 and self.recursion_level >= rec_level: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, maximum recursion level reached.") return False if self.extern[0]: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, extern.") return False return True
[docs] def allows_recursion(self): """ Return True iff we can recurse into the url's content. """ log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "checking recursion of %r ...", self.url) if not self.valid: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, invalid.") return False if not self.can_get_content(): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, cannot get content.") return False if not self.allows_simple_recursion(): return False if self.size > self.aggregate.config["maxfilesizeparse"]: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, maximum parse size.") return False if not self.is_parseable(): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, not parseable.") return False if not self.content_allows_robots(): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... no, robots.") return False log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "... yes, recursion.") return True
[docs] def content_allows_robots(self): """Returns True: only check robots.txt on HTTP links.""" return True
[docs] def set_extern(self, url): """ Match URL against extern and intern link patterns. If no pattern matches the URL is extern. Sets self.extern to a tuple (bool, bool) with content (is_extern, is_strict). @return: None """ if self.extern: return if not url: self.extern = (1, 1) return for entry in self.aggregate.config["externlinks"]: match = entry['pattern'].search(url) if (entry['negate'] and not match) or (match and not entry['negate']): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Extern URL %r", url) self.extern = (1, entry['strict']) return for entry in self.aggregate.config["internlinks"]: match = entry['pattern'].search(url) if (entry['negate'] and not match) or (match and not entry['negate']): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Intern URL %r", url) self.extern = (0, 0) return if self.aggregate.config['checkextern']: self.extern = (1, 0) else: self.extern = (1, 1)
[docs] def set_content_type(self): """Set content MIME type. Should be overridden in subclasses.""" pass
[docs] def can_get_content(self): """Indicate whether url get_content() can be called.""" return self.size <= self.aggregate.config["maxfilesizedownload"]
[docs] def download_content(self): log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Get content of %r", self.url) t = time.time() content = self.read_content() self.size = len(content) self.dltime = time.time() - t if self.size == 0: self.add_warning(_("Content size is zero."), tag=WARN_URL_CONTENT_SIZE_ZERO) else: self.aggregate.add_downloaded_bytes(self.size) return content
[docs] def get_soup(self): if self.soup is None: self.get_content() return self.soup
[docs] def get_raw_content(self): if is None: = self.download_content() return
[docs] def get_content(self, encoding=None): if self.text is None: self.get_raw_content() self.soup = htmlsoup.make_soup(, encoding) # Sometimes soup.original_encoding is None! Better mangled text # than an internal crash, eh? ISO-8859-1 is a safe fallback in the # sense that any binary blob can be decoded, it'll never cause a # UnicodeDecodeError. log.debug( LOG_CHECK, "Beautiful Soup detected %s", self.soup.original_encoding ) self.content_encoding = self.soup.original_encoding or 'ISO-8859-1' log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Content encoding %s", self.content_encoding) self.text = return self.text
[docs] def read_content(self): """Return data for this URL. Can be overridden in subclasses.""" buf = BytesIO() data = self.read_content_chunk() while data: if buf.tell() + len(data) > self.aggregate.config["maxfilesizedownload"]: raise LinkCheckerError(_("File size too large")) buf.write(data) data = self.read_content_chunk() return buf.getvalue()
[docs] def read_content_chunk(self): """Read one chunk of content from this URL. Precondition: url_connection is an opened URL. """ return
[docs] def get_user_password(self): """Get tuple (user, password) from configured authentication. Both user and password can be None. """ if self.userinfo: # URL itself has authentication info split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(self.url) return (split.username, split.password) return self.aggregate.config.get_user_password(self.url)
[docs] def add_url(self, url, line=0, column=0, page=0, name="", base=None, parent=None): """Add new URL to queue.""" if base: base_ref = urlutil.url_norm(base, encoding=self.content_encoding)[0] else: base_ref = None url_data = get_url_from( url, self.recursion_level + 1, self.aggregate, parent_url=self.url if parent is None else parent, base_ref=base_ref, line=line, column=column, page=page, name=name, parent_content_type=self.content_type, url_encoding=self.content_encoding, ) self.aggregate.urlqueue.put(url_data)
[docs] def serialized(self, sep=os.linesep): """ Return serialized url check data as unicode string. """ return sep.join( [ "%s link" % self.scheme, "base_url=%r" % self.base_url, "parent_url=%r" % self.parent_url, "base_ref=%r" % self.base_ref, "recursion_level=%d" % self.recursion_level, "url_connection=%s" % self.url_connection, "line=%s" % self.line, "column=%s" % self.column, "page=%d" %, "name=%r" %, "anchor=%r" % self.anchor, "cache_url=%s" % self.cache_url, ] )
[docs] def get_intern_pattern(self, url=None): """Get pattern for intern URL matching. @param url: the URL to set intern pattern for, else self.url @type url: unicode or None @return: non-empty regex pattern or None @rtype: String or None """ return None
[docs] def add_intern_pattern(self, url=None): """Add intern URL regex to config.""" try: pat = self.get_intern_pattern(url=url) if pat: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Add intern pattern %r", pat) self.aggregate.config['internlinks'].append(get_link_pat(pat)) except UnicodeError as msg: res = _("URL has unparsable domain name: %(domain)s") % {"domain": msg} self.set_result(res, valid=False)
def __str__(self): """ Get URL info. @return: URL info @rtype: unicode """ return self.serialized() def __bytes__(self): """ Get URL info. @return: URL info, encoded with the output logger encoding @rtype: string """ s = str(self) return self.aggregate.config['logger'].encode(s) def __repr__(self): """ Get URL info. @return: URL info @rtype: unicode """ return f'<{self.serialized(sep=", ")}>'
[docs] def to_wire_dict(self): """Return a simplified transport object for logging and caching. The transport object must contain these attributes: - url_data.valid: bool Indicates if URL is valid - url_data.result: unicode Result string - url_data.warnings: list of tuples (tag, warning message) List of tagged warnings for this URL. - unicode string or None name of URL (eg. filename or link name) - url_data.parent_url: unicode or None Parent URL - url_data.base_ref: unicode HTML base reference URL of parent - url_data.url: unicode Fully qualified URL. - url_data.domain: unicode URL domain part. - url_data.checktime: int Number of seconds needed to check this link, default: zero. - url_data.dltime: int Number of seconds needed to download URL content, default: -1 - url_data.size: int Size of downloaded URL content, default: -1 - list of unicode Additional information about this URL. - url_data.line: int Line number of this URL at parent document, or None - url_data.column: int Column number of this URL at parent document, or None - int Page number of this URL at parent document, or -1 - url_data.cache_url: unicode Cache url for this URL. - url_data.content_type: unicode MIME content type for URL content. - url_data.level: int Recursion level until reaching this URL from start URL - url_data.last_modified: datetime Last modification date of retrieved page (or None). """ return dict( valid=self.valid, extern=self.extern[0], result=self.result, warnings=self.warnings[:], or "", title=self.get_title(), parent_url=self.parent_url or "", base_ref=self.base_ref or "", base_url=self.base_url or "", url=self.url or "", domain=(self.urlparts[1] if self.urlparts else ""), checktime=self.checktime, dltime=self.dltime, size=self.size,, line=self.line, column=self.column,, cache_url=self.cache_url, content_type=self.content_type, level=self.recursion_level, modified=self.modified, )
[docs] def to_wire(self): """Return compact UrlData object with information from to_wire_dict(). """ return CompactUrlData(self.to_wire_dict())
urlDataAttr = [ 'valid', 'extern', 'result', 'warnings', 'name', 'title', 'parent_url', 'base_ref', 'base_url', 'url', 'domain', 'checktime', 'dltime', 'size', 'info', 'modified', 'line', 'column', 'page', 'cache_url', 'content_type', 'level', ]
[docs] class CompactUrlData: """Store selected UrlData attributes in slots to minimize memory usage.""" __slots__ = urlDataAttr def __init__(self, wired_url_data): '''Set all attributes according to the dictionary wired_url_data''' for attr in urlDataAttr: setattr(self, attr, wired_url_data[attr])