Source code for linkcheck.checker.httpurl

# Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Bastian Kleineidam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Handle http links.

import requests

# The validity of SSL certs is ignored to be able
# the check the URL and recurse into it.
# The warning about invalid SSL certs is given to the
# user instead.
import warnings

    # pylint: disable=no-member
    'ignore', requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning

from io import BytesIO
import re

from .. import (
    url as urlutil,
from . import internpaturl

# import warnings
from requests.sessions import REDIRECT_STATI

HTTP_SCHEMAS = ('http://', 'https://')

# match for robots meta element content attribute
nofollow_re = re.compile(r"\bnofollow\b", re.IGNORECASE)

[docs] class HttpUrl(internpaturl.InternPatternUrl): """ Url link with http scheme. """
[docs] def reset(self): """ Initialize HTTP specific variables. """ super().reset() # initialize check data # server headers self.headers = {} self.auth = None self.ssl_cipher = None self.ssl_cert = None
[docs] def allows_robots(self, url): """ Fetch and parse the robots.txt of given url. Checks if LinkChecker can get the requested resource content. @param url: the url to be requested @type url: string @return: True if access is granted, otherwise False @rtype: bool """ return not self.aggregate.config[ 'robotstxt' ] or self.aggregate.robots_txt.allows_url( self, timeout=self.aggregate.config["timeout"] )
[docs] def content_allows_robots(self): """ Return False if the content of this URL forbids robots to search for recursive links. """ if not self.is_html(): return True soup = self.get_soup() return not soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "robots", "content": nofollow_re})
[docs] def add_size_info(self): """Get size of URL content from HTTP header.""" if ( self.headers and "Content-Length" in self.headers and "Transfer-Encoding" not in self.headers ): # Note that content-encoding causes size differences since # the content data is always decoded. try: self.size = int(self.headers["Content-Length"]) except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass else: self.size = -1
[docs] def check_connection(self): """ Check a URL with HTTP protocol. Here is an excerpt from RFC 1945 with common response codes: The first digit of the Status-Code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any categorization role. There are 5 values for the first digit: - 1xx: Informational - Not used, but reserved for future use - 2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted - 3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request - 4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled - 5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request """ self.session = self.aggregate.get_request_session() self.construct_auth() # check robots.txt if not self.allows_robots(self.url): self.add_info(_("Access denied by robots.txt, checked only syntax.")) self.set_result(_("syntax OK")) self.do_check_content = False return # check the http connection request = self.build_request() self.send_request(request) self._add_response_info() self.follow_redirections(request) self.check_response() if self.allows_simple_recursion(): self.parse_header_links()
[docs] def build_request(self): """Build a prepared request object.""" clientheaders = {} if self.parent_url and self.parent_url.lower().startswith(HTTP_SCHEMAS): clientheaders["Referer"] = self.parent_url kwargs = dict(method='GET', url=self.url, headers=clientheaders) if self.auth: kwargs['auth'] = self.auth log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Prepare request with %s", kwargs) request = requests.Request(**kwargs) return self.session.prepare_request(request)
[docs] def send_request(self, request): """Send request and store response in self.url_connection.""" # throttle the number of requests to each host self.aggregate.wait_for_host(self.urlparts[1]) kwargs = self.get_request_kwargs() kwargs["allow_redirects"] = False self._send_request(request, **kwargs)
def _send_request(self, request, **kwargs): """Send GET request.""" log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Send request %s with %s", request, kwargs) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Request headers %s", request.headers) self.url_connection = self.session.send(request, **kwargs) self.headers = self.url_connection.headers log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Response headers %s", self.headers) self.set_encoding(self.url_connection.encoding) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Response encoding %s", self.content_encoding) if "LinkChecker" in self.headers: self.aggregate.set_maxrated_for_host(self.urlparts[1]) self._add_ssl_info() def _add_response_info(self): """Set info from established HTTP(S) connection.""" self.set_content_type() self.add_size_info() def _get_ssl_sock(self): """Get raw SSL socket.""" assert self.scheme == "https", self raw_connection = self.url_connection.raw._connection if not raw_connection: # this happens with newer requests versions: # return None if raw_connection.sock is None: # sometimes the socket is not yet connected # see raw_connection.connect() return raw_connection.sock def _add_ssl_info(self): """Add SSL cipher info.""" if self.scheme == 'https': sock = self._get_ssl_sock() if not sock: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "cannot extract SSL certificate from connection") self.ssl_cert = None elif hasattr(sock, 'cipher'): self.ssl_cert = sock.getpeercert() else: # using pyopenssl cert = sock.connection.get_peer_certificate() self.ssl_cert = httputil.x509_to_dict(cert) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Got SSL certificate %s", self.ssl_cert) else: self.ssl_cert = None
[docs] def construct_auth(self): """Construct HTTP Basic authentication credentials if there is user/password information available. Does not overwrite if credentials have already been constructed.""" if self.auth: return _user, _password = self.get_user_password() if _user is not None and _password is not None: self.auth = (_user, _password)
[docs] def set_content_type(self): """Set MIME type from HTTP response headers.""" self.content_type = httputil.get_content_type(self.headers) log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "MIME type: %s", self.content_type)
[docs] def set_encoding(self, encoding): """Set content encoding""" if encoding == "ISO-8859-1": # Although RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) says that text data in a non-ISO-8859-1 # (or subset) character set must be labelled with a charset, # that is not always the case and then the default ISO-8859-1 is # set by Requests. # We fall back to it in UrlBase.get_content() if Beautiful Soup # doesn't return an encoding. self.content_encoding = None else: self.content_encoding = encoding
[docs] def is_redirect(self): """Check if current response is a redirect.""" return ( 'location' in self.headers and self.url_connection.status_code in REDIRECT_STATI )
[docs] def get_request_kwargs(self): """Construct keyword parameters for Session.request() and Session.resolve_redirects().""" kwargs = dict(stream=True, timeout=self.aggregate.config["timeout"]) if self.scheme == "https" and self.aggregate.config["sslverify"]: kwargs['verify'] = self.aggregate.config["sslverify"] else: kwargs['verify'] = False return kwargs
[docs] def get_redirects(self, request): """Return iterator of redirects for given request.""" kwargs = self.get_request_kwargs() return self.session.resolve_redirects(self.url_connection, request, **kwargs)
[docs] def follow_redirections(self, request): """Follow all redirections of http response.""" log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "follow all redirections") if self.is_redirect(): # run connection plugins for old connection self.aggregate.plugin_manager.run_connection_plugins(self) response = None for response in self.get_redirects(request): newurl = response.url log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Redirected to %r", newurl) self.aliases.append(newurl) # XXX on redirect errors this is not printed self.add_warning( _("Redirected to `%(url)s' status: %(code)d %(reason)s.") % {'url': newurl, 'code': self.url_connection.status_code, 'reason': self.url_connection.reason}, tag=WARN_HTTP_REDIRECTED) # Reset extern and recalculate self.extern = None self.set_extern(newurl) self.urlparts = self.build_url_parts(newurl) self.url_connection = response self.headers = response.headers self.url = urlutil.urlunsplit(self.urlparts) self.scheme = self.urlparts[0].lower() self._add_ssl_info() self._add_response_info() if self.is_redirect(): # run connection plugins for old connection self.aggregate.plugin_manager.run_connection_plugins(self) if response: log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Redirected response headers %s", response.headers) self.set_encoding(response.encoding) log.debug( LOG_CHECK, "Redirected response encoding %s", self.content_encoding)
[docs] def check_response(self): """Check final result and log it.""" if ( self.url_connection.status_code >= 400 and self.url_connection.status_code != 429 ): self.set_result( "%d %s" % (self.url_connection.status_code, self.url_connection.reason), valid=False, ) else: if self.url_connection.status_code == 204: # no content self.add_warning( self.url_connection.reason, tag=WARN_HTTP_EMPTY_CONTENT ) if self.url_connection.status_code == 429: self.add_warning( "Rate limited (Retry-After: %s)" % self.headers.get("Retry-After"), tag=WARN_HTTP_RATE_LIMITED, ) if self.url_connection.status_code >= 200: self.set_result( "%r %s" % (self.url_connection.status_code, self.url_connection.reason) ) else: self.set_result(_("OK"))
[docs] def get_content(self): return super().get_content(self.content_encoding)
[docs] def read_content(self): """Return data and data size for this URL. Can be overridden in subclasses.""" maxbytes = self.aggregate.config["maxfilesizedownload"] buf = BytesIO() for data in self.url_connection.iter_content(chunk_size=self.ReadChunkBytes): if buf.tell() + len(data) > maxbytes: raise LinkCheckerError(_("File size too large")) buf.write(data) return buf.getvalue()
[docs] def is_parseable(self): """ Check if content is parseable for recursion. @return: True if content is parseable @rtype: bool """ if not self.valid: return False # some content types must be validated with the page content if self.content_type in ("application/xml", "text/xml"): rtype = mimeutil.guess_mimetype_read(self.get_content) if rtype is not None: # XXX side effect self.content_type = rtype log.debug(LOG_CHECK, "Read MIME type: %s", self.content_type) return self.is_content_type_parseable()
[docs] def get_robots_txt_url(self): """ Get the according robots.txt URL for this URL. @return: robots.txt URL @rtype: string """ return "%s://%s/robots.txt" % tuple(self.urlparts[0:2])